Hosting and Attending Courses FAQ and Cancellation/Refund Policy
Hosting a Course
As the hosting agency, what are we responsible for providing?
As the hosts, we ask that you provide a comfortable location for the course. This can range from a training center at your agency to a hotel conference room. The most important factor is that the room has audio and visual capabilities for video and PowerPoint. For the brochure, we also ask that you recommend some lodging that is convenient to the course location.
Refreshments are appreciated, but certainly not required.
Note: Majority of our courses involve hands-on, practical exercises. When hosting a course such as the Buried Body and Surface Skeleton, or Shooting/ Crime Scene Reconstruction, it’s a good idea to have a location with outdoor facilities that allow gun-firing exercises, or space to bury skeletons that will later be recovered.
What is the minimum and maximum number of students for a course?
Unless the host agency chooses to purchase the course outright there is no fee to host a class. The instructor(s) covers their own travel, lodging, meals, and course materials for students. However, the exception is that for any IAI Test Preparation courses, costs for any required IAI mandated textbooks nor the test are not covered by the instructor, nor are they provided and the application fee to take the exam is covered by the students. To make it practical to make travel and shipment of materials possible for our instructors, a minimum of 15 students is required for each course to confirm it can take place in your area for your preferred dates. If the minimum number is not met, the host and Forensic Pieces will need to either reschedule or cancel the course unless a rare exception is made to conduct the training with fewer than the course minimum. Should this be the case, then the would-be host seat may be required to pay the tuition to make the course a worthwhile venture for the instructor to make the trip for the training. Since cancelling or rescheduling is not ideal, please stress to any prospective students that they register as early as possible so that we have an accurate registration count as the time draws nearer to make the call to keep the course as scheduled or the need to re-schedule or in the unfortunate event of having to cancel the training. Tuition payment is not required upon registration but we do ask that it is completed or submitted no later than 30 days out unless previously discussed. For the hosting agency, a free slot is given once we meet the minimum of twelve (12) paying students and the agency will receive an additional free slot for each additional 12 students. For every twenty-four (24) paying students are accumulated, the hosting agency is entitled to two (2) free slots. Some courses have an instructor cap of students that is less than 24. In these cases, only one free host slot is allotted. Again, for each of our courses your agency always has the option of buying a course for a flat fee that is more cost effective for a larger group that needs the same training. We will evaluate the agency needs and will provide a quote for this service upon request. Each flat fee course quote is dependent on attendance, location and many other factors so each situation may vary. Please contact us for details.
How will the course be advertised?
After a course is scheduled with your agency, we’ll create a brochure for the course that your department can send out to nearby departments and other agencies. We at Forensic Pieces will also be posting the course on our website, the IAI and state divisions of the IAI websites, as well as sending out newsletters to all of our contacts in efforts to advertise the course. It is important that the host agency helps to get the word out to as many local agencies as possible to help ensure the success of reaching the course minimum.
Attending a Course
We recommend registering for courses as soon as possible as space can be limited and courses that are not full 30-60 days out run the risk of cancellation due to low enrollment. Additionally being on the roster complete with direct contact information means you will receive any important updates and alerts regarding the course. However, you can register for a course up until one week before its start date.
Important Note:
Any student registering from outside the continental U.S.A. is required to make payment upon registration to prevent no-shows on the first day of class. Forensic Pieces is unable to officially reserve a spot in class without said payment. The reason for this requirement is a result of Forensic Pieces, on several occasions, has taken such registrations and has had no follow-up from the majority of students that have registered from out of the country resulting in a loss of our course income. We rely heavily on our registration count to keep a course scheduled so are not able to risk this being the case in the future. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
What if I need an invoice?
If you need an invoice or receipt for tuition to be reimbursed by your department, please contact our office and we would be happy to send one.
What is the tuition?
Typically, tuition for a 5-day course runs at $595 - $695, and tuition for a 3-day course runs at $445-$525.
When is Tuition Payment Due?
For students registering within the United States: Though payment is appreciated as soon as possible, we understand that this process often takes time. We do require payment no later than 45 days out from the class in order to ensure the student(s) has a reserved seat in the class. Should Forensic Pieces not have received payment by 30 days from the course start date, an email reminder will be sent to request payment method and the status of the payment.
On occasion, there are circumstances that may be worked around with as much prior notice as possible. Please call the office to arrange any special payment requirements in order to reserve a seat and only if you are certain of your attendance. The number to reach Forensic Pieces' staff is (850) 332-0141.
For students registering from outside the United States: Due to a high non-attendance rate from several students having signed up from 0utside the U.S., it has become Forensic Pieces policy to require payment upon registration for whichever course the prospective student registers for in order to ensure the spot will be reserved. If payment is unable to be processed immediately, then a purchase order showing that funds for the specified course have been obligated for that course will be sufficient. Without either of these things in place once registered, we are regrettably unable to guarantee a seat or materials for class and do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Do these course hours apply to the IAI’s training hours?
Forensic Pieces is currently in the process of re-applying for IAI Credits for our courses. Please contact the IAI directly for questions or information on specific courses that may have IAI Approval or keep an eye on our website for course updates on approval.
How do I prepare for a course?
With the exception of the IAI Crime Scene Certification Preparation course, there are no required preparations for a course. Some course materials, such as calculators, laptops, digital cameras, etc. are strongly suggested; this information can be found on that course’s specific brochure. Course notebooks, handouts, etc. will be provided for you.
How do I prepare for the CSI Book Review course?
If you are planning on taking a IAI Crime Scene Certification Preparation course, and taking the exam on the final day, it is extremely important to submit your testing application to the IAI as soon as possible as an approved application will be required in order to take the exam. The IAI asks for at least 60-90 days advance in order to process these applications. When submitting your application, it’s very helpful to include a note that specifies which course you are planning to take.
There are also required texts mandated by the IAI for the CCSI and CCSA exams. These texts will be used and discussed throughout the course.
More information on the exam applications and required texts can be found on the IAI website, here:
Required textbooks have been updated as of April of 2015.
Note: Application fees and IAI mandated texts are not included in the tuition for the CSI Book Review courses.
If you take this preparation course and do not pass the end of course examination and would like to re-take the class, Forensic Pieces will allow the student to re-enroll into a future course date for a discounted fee of $200.
How do I know if I qualify to take the CSI Exam?
Information on qualifying to test for CCSI, CCSA and CSCSA can be found on the IAI website, here:
Do I have to take the exam on the last day of the CSI Book Review course?
You do not have to take the exam on the final day of the course. In fact, many people prefer to take the exam at a later date so that they can take extra time to study on their own. However, it is still encouraged that you attend the course on the final day as the beginning portion of the class is still in lecture and question and answer format to help prepare for the exam.
Cancelation Policy
At Forensic Pieces, we understand that sometimes things happen in one's professional or personal lives that may affect their ability to attend a scheduled class. There may also be a circumstance when Forensic Pieces may have to cancel or reschedule a class due to attendance requirements or unforseen emergencies. We have outlined our cancelation policy below to address the different circumstances that may occur.
What if Forensic Pieces cancels a class?
In the event that Forensic Pieces should cancel a class, all registrants would be notified a minimum of 7 days in advance. All payments will be refunded within 45 days of a cancelation notice; however the registrant may apply the payment toward any other course that Forensic Pieces offers.
What if Forensic Pieces reschedules a class?
Should Forensic Pieces reschedule a class, all those registered for that class will be notified a minimum of 7 days in advance of the scheduled class date. Those individuals already registered for that class will be given first opportunity to reserve seating in the newly rescheduled class. Registration fees paid for a class that has been rescheduled can be refunded in full or credited to the registration fee of the rescheduled class.
What if you are unable to attend a class after you have enrolled?
Should you register and pay for a class and then be unable to attend, you should notify Forensic Pieces at leat 14 days prior to the scheduled class. In order to qualify for a full refund, students (or their employing agencies) must cancel attendance no less than two weeks prior to the commencement of the course. Cancelations must be received via email and/or fax to the attention of the course coordinator. A confirmation of receipt of the notice must be obtained from the Course Director.
What if I cancel within 14 days of the Class Start Date?
Cancelations made within the two week time period prior to the start of the course are non-refundable however may be forwarded on to a future course date of the agency's choosing. The credit may be used for a different student from the same agency if needed.
If you cancel within 14 days notice, you have the option of transferring credit for the full amount toward any class on the current Forensic Pieces class schedule or any class Forensic Pieces should hold in the future.
Substitutions of students may be made at any time.
If you do not call to cancel prior to the first day of class and are not present fort the class you were originally scheduled to attend, you will not have the option for a refund nor the opportunity to transfer enrollment to another training. This is considered a "no-call no-show" and since we count on our student count to cover expenses, as well as communication from our enrolled students as a courtesy, we do not offer refunds or transfers unless previously notified.
Please call us immeditely if you have any questions.
What if I have an Emergency?
We understand that emergencies happen. If a student cannot attend due to a subpoena, medical emergency or death in the family, Forensic Pieces requests that proper documentation be submitted to verify these circumstances, and a full refund will be given upon approval.
What if I am a No-Show or I am using a Purchase Order?
Classes that are scheduled to go must meet minimum attendance requirements. While we try to accomdate everyone, seating for Forensic Pieces classes are limited. Registration is accepted on a first come- first served basis until sold out. Failure to attend a class without prior cancelation does not relieve an enrollee's financial obligation for that class. If the 14 day cancellation policy is not received and confirmed by a return email, Forensic Pieces will invoice in full for all No-Shows in each class.
The use of a purchase order to guarantee seat reservation is a courtesy that we offer with prior arrangement. Please take note that purchase orders guarantee registration and they are legally binding. Unless the registration is canceled within the full refund policy time paramaters, agencies using purchase orders will be billed for full enrollment costs if the student is a No-Show.
What if I don't register in time for the IAI Certification Exam?
For IAI certification, it is the student's responsibility to submit the application and receive approval from the IAI at least 60 days prior to taking the exam. Please allow ample time for this process when registering for the test prep classes. Failing to receive IAI approval is not a valid reason for a refund and the student must still meet the 14 day requirement for a full refund. You may visit for more information on registering for the IAI Certification Examination.
The minimum number of students for a course is 12. A free slot is acquired for the agency when 12 paying students are registered. Generally, there is no maximum cap for a course. If needed, we’ll usually go by the maximum capacity of the course location.

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